Happy Anniversary, Mr. D!

Women want to be princesses, from Carrie Bradshaw to Cinderella. We want to be beautiful, dress the part, find The One, live happily ever after.

I said that the other night, back when we were going out on our shitty date. You looked so handsome—you always do—and in my stoner reverie, I called you my Prince Charming, though perhaps the better analogy would have been to call you the Jordan Catalano to my Angela Chase (minus the Rayanne Graff mess).

Remember that night about a year back when we went for a 12L ride with our Weed Husband? So much fun. So many laughs and good tunes, but my favorite memory was a single moment on the drive home. You looked so hot in your navy blue shirt, and I wanted to be in your arms, and at that very moment, you played my song, leaned over to kiss me (you have a great lean, even better than Jordan Catalano’s), and quoting Little A, you said, “You’re my favorite best friend.”


I can fall in love with you, over and over, for the rest of my life. I dream of getting a book deal just for the dedication page. You are everything I have ever wanted, and you make me the luckiest woman in the world by making me a better me.

When we’re getting dressed for work in the mornings—you in your sexy attire, me in mine—I feel like royalty. Not only are we a good-looking couple for those few minutes in the morning, but the world is ours. I am a Boss Bitch beside you. You make me feel like I can conquer anything. You are my moral compass, my baby daddy, my lover, my best friend, my hero, my partner, my editor, my everything. I could not have made it through the last year at work without you. I would not be the woman I am (a woman I love) without you. You make me the person I want to be. You make me a better mother. You inspire me to be my best, as often as I can be, and you pick me up when I’m at my worst.

I have written quite a bit about our recent fights, but those are hiccups in the epic story that is our life. I can’t believe we’ve been married five years already, and I can’t wait to see where the future takes us. Happy Anniversary, DSC. I love you more than words. I love you more than life. You are my favorite best friend.

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