What’s on the other side?

I wonder. I imagine all of the people we loved are there, waiting for us.

I bet the other side isn’t as exciting.

I bet it’s more peaceful.

The most powerful, even over Zeus, were the three goddesses of destiny. “They were the three Fates, and they decided how long a mortal would live and how long the rule of the gods should last.” Clotho spun the thread of life, Lachesis measured it, Atropos cut it at the end.

Thathu used to wear a thread. He lived to be 92.

“You know what Drake says,” I asked Big A in Colorado.

My then-five-year-old  rolled her eyes. “No, mom. What does Drake say?”

“Everybody dies, but not everybody lives.”

That was when we were still in the hotel. It looked so grey and miserable, but flowers don’t need jackets in the rain, as Little A pointed out. Then we hiked up the mountain, cutting straight up like a dollar sign.

All we have is time.

Mr. D, would you move with me to Hawaii?